Thursday, December 31
Wednesday, December 30
I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything
What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear
You are someone else
I am still right here
What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way
Saturday, December 26
자기 자신마저 미워하라
나르시스는 그리스 신화에 나오는 미소년이다. 물의 신 케피소스와 요정 사이에 태어난 아들로 그가 태어났을 때 예언자는 아이가 자신의 모습을 보게 되면 절대로 안 된다고 했다. 그가 청년이 되었을 때 그 모습이 너무 아름다워 많은 처녀들과 요정들이 그에게 구애를 했다. 요정 에코는 그를 사랑한 나머지 몸이 여위어 마침내 목소리만 남아 '메아리'가 되었다.
어느 날 나르시스는 사냥을 하다 목이 말라 물을 마시던 중 물에 비친 자신의 모습을 발견하고는 그 모습을 사랑하게 되었다. 물에 비친 자신에게 마음을 빼앗긴 그는 한 발자국도 물가를 떠나지 못하고 마침내 그곳에서 죽었다. 그가 죽은 자리에 꽃 한 송이가 피어, 그의 이름을 따서 수선화라고 불렀다.
인간은 누구나 자기애에 빠져 있다. 이것은 인간이 지니고 있는 하나의 숙명적인 비극이다. 불교에서는 이를 집착이라고 부른다. 자기 문제에만 집착하는 나르시시즘은 자기 가정만을 사랑하는 가족애로 발전되며, 자기 지역만을 사랑하는 지역주의로 나아가게 마련이다.
자신이 남보다 우월하다고 생각할 때는 교만이 되고, 자신만이 옳다고 생각할 때는 독선이 되는 법이다.
-최인호, 수상록 <문장>에서
Thursday, December 24
Sunday, December 20
Friday, December 18
Tuesday, December 15
Saturday, December 12
What is sin according to Swedish pentecostals?
Fascinating video
Can you answer the interviewer's last question to the youth pastor?
Friday, December 11
Monday, December 7
World's Worst
One of the major reasons why Americans are getting dumber.
Fox News is the most watched news channel in the U.S.
Folks like Hannity, O'Reily, and Beck continue to feed on to the conservative evangelical Christian frenzy.
Saturday, December 5
America's Worst Nightmare
Palin said the United States has been "touched by God" because the nation's early leaders dedicated the country to God.
This woman actually has a good chance of running for president in 2012.
With the support of right wing evangelical Christians, she seriously might be a contender.
America's worst nightmare.
Tuesday, December 1
이상한 일은 삶에 대해 더 많이 알게 되면 될수록 사람에 대해 정나미가 떨어진다는 것이다. 그리고 그보다 더 이상한 일은 정나미가 떨어지는 그만큼 인간에 대한 경외 같은 것이 내 안에서 함께 자란다는 것이다.
이 소설을 처음 구상하게 된 것은 어떤 신문기사 한 줄 때문이었다. 그것은 마지막 선고공판이 있던 날의 법정 풍경을 그린 젊은 인턴기자의 스케치기사였다. 그 마지막 구절은 아마도 "집행유예로 석방되는 그들의 가벼운 형량이 수화로 통역되는 순간 법정은 청각장애인들이 내는 알 수 없는 울부짖음으로 가듣 찼다"였던 것 같다. 그 순간 나는 한번도 경험해보지 못한 그들의 비명소리를 들은 듯했고 가시에 찔린 듯 아파오기 시작했다. 나는 그동안 준비해오던 다른 소설을 더 써나갈 수가 없었다. 그 한 줄의 글이 내 생의 1년, 혹은 그 이상을 그때 이미 점령했던 것이다.
정의를 위해 일한다는 것이 불의와 맞써 싸우는 것 이상을 의미한다는 것을 안 이후 나는 평화의 한 끝자락을 잡은 듯했다. 쓰는 내내 이 실제 사건의 피해자들과 그 가해자들을 위해서도 함께 기도할 수 있었던 것은 그 때문일 것이다. 처음 보는 나를 믿고 그들의 모든 것을 이야기하던 청각장애인 아이들의 눈빛을 생각하면 지금도 눈물이 난다. 그들을 위해 헌신하던 분들을 생각하면 가끔씩 내가, 삶은 결국 너무 허무한 것이 아닐까,라는 생각에 빠지는 것이 죄송스럽다. 이 세상에 그렇게 천사들이 많은지 모르고 지낼 뻔했다는 걸 생각하면 아직도 아찔하다. 이 글을 쓰는 동안 나답지 않게 자주 아팠고, 초교, 재교를 보고 나서 한번씩 그리고 이 글을 쓰는 마지막 순간까지도 신열에 들떠 며칠씩 누워 있어야 했지만, 그런 의미에서 나는 이 글을 쓰며 행복했다. 내가 작가라는 사실, 내가 어떤 삶을 살든 나는 온전히 작가라는 사실을 받아들였을 때만큼 그렇게 고통스럽고 그렇게 황홀했다.
-작가의 말, 공지영 장편소설 <도가니>
Thursday, November 26
Thanksgiving - Hell Day
Thanksgiving is a lie. Just like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.
There's no more truth to the Hallmark moment of Pilgrims and Native Americans sharing a feast of squash, corn and turkey than there is to Betsy Ross sewing the first American flag. No definitive historical evidence exists to prove either patriotic legend. According to my favorite history text, "Lies My Teacher Told Me" by James W. Loewen, it was all manufactured to create a feel-good beginning for this country.
Thanksgiving wasn't invented by the Pilgrims. By the time the Mayflower pulled up at Plymouth Rock in 1620, Native Americans in that part of the country already had a rich tradition of marking the fall harvest with a major fiesta. The day wasn't recognized nationally until 1863 when President Abraham Lincoln declared it a holiday. He had an entirely different motive than honoring the Pilgrims: Morale during the bloody Civil War. America needed a warm fuzzy holiday to make it feel good about itself again.
The Pilgrims were latecomers to the legend, not getting added to the mix until the 1890s.
Of course, some major revisions had to be done to make heroes of those guys. The truth is: When the Pilgrims arrived on the coast of Massachusetts, they found a deserted Native American settlement. Unburied human bodies were scattered everywhere. The survivors had vanished. The villagers had been wiped out by a plague, brought to the "new world" years before by the Europeans. The immune system of the native peoples had no defense against those diseases. Many in Europe couldn't be happier.
Good Christian that he was, King James of England called the death of millions of Native Americans "this wonderful plague." He thanked God for sending it. Other preachers of the day echoed this same sentiment. They believed that God had aided the conquest of the new land by sending disease to ravage the native populations, so that the English could have it. How convenient for them that God was on their side.
The Pilgrims, who were ill-equipped to survive in the harsh environment they found themselves in, immediately took advantage of the situation. They proceeded to rob food (including corn and squash) and pottery from the deserted Native village. They also stole from Indian graves. Within about 50 years of arriving, they had slaughtered most of the native population in the area that wasn't already killed by the plague.
Not the touchy-feelie story you'll see on TV this week.
-written by Tommi Avicolli Mecca for
Tuesday, November 24
Youth With A Mission
I was a part of this Christian cult.
A VIDEO made with the help of US missionaries and depicting Amazon Indians burying children alive is faked and inciting racial hatred, a group campaigning for tribal rights said.
The short video, Hakani, has been watched more than 350,000 times on the YouTube video-sharing website.
It depicts scenes of Indians in an isolated forest village digging graves and burying several live children in them.
The "Hakani" campaign also has a website and a group on Facebook with more than 13,000 members.
London-based Survival International said the Hakani film is "faked, that the earth covering the children's faces is actually chocolate cake, and that the film's claim that infanticide among Brazilian Indians is widespread is false."
"People are being taught to hate Indians, even wish them dead," said Survival's director, Stephen Corry.
The video was made by the son of the founder of an American missionary organisation called Youth with a Mission, which has a branch in Brazil known as Jocum.
Enock Freire, one of the makers of the film, said Youth With a Mission helped in the production of the film, which he acknowledged was fictional and aimed at drawing attention to what he said was a serious problem.
"It (infanticide) is common," he said from Hawaii. "This distortion that we are trying to incite hate is untrue."
Infanticide is practiced by some tribes in the Amazon region, sometimes on disabled children, often based on the belief that children who take their last breath above land will come back to haunt a community.
Monday, November 23
Paul Eluard
Friday, November 20
November 17, 2009
A 20-year-old woman divorcee accused of committing adultery in Somalia has been stoned to death by Islamists in front of a crowd of about 200 people.
A judge working for the militant group al-Shabab said she had had an affair with an unmarried 29-year-old man.
He said she gave birth to a still-born baby and was found guilty of adultery. Her boyfriend was given 100 lashes.
The woman was taken to public grounds where she was buried up to her waist.
She was then stoned to death in front of the crowds.
Under Sharia (Islamic law), anyone who has ever been married - even a divorcee - who has an affair is liable to be found guilty of adultery, punishable by stoning death.
Thursday, November 19
Submission by Theo van Gogh
Van Gogh worked with writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali to produce this 10 minute film which analyzed the treatment of women in Islam.
Van Gogh was killed by a Muslim on November 2, 2004 because of the film.
"Submission" is the translation of the Arabic word "Islam."
Religion poisons everything.
Friday, November 13
David Bazan
You've heard the story
You know how it goes
Once upon a garden
We were lovers with no clothes
Fresh from the soil
We were beautiful and true
In control of our emotions
'Till we ate the poison fruit
And now its hard to be a decent human being
Wait just a minute
You expect me to believe
that all this misbehaving
Grew from one enchanted tree
And helpless to fight it
We should all be satisfied
With the magical explanation
For why the living die
Childbirth is painful
We toil to grow our food
Ignorance made us hungry
Information made us no good
Every burden misunderstood
So I swung my tassel
To the left side of my cap
Knowing after graduation
There would be no going back
And no congratulations
From my faithful family
Some of whom are already fasting
To intercede for me
Because it's hard to be a decent human being
David Bazan formed the band Pedro the Lion, perhaps the first Christian indie rock band, in 1995.
This former evangelical Christian now calls himself an agnostic with some lingering deistic notions.
Bazan's wife and parents are still believing Christians.
His new album "Curse Your Branches" is described as a break-up record with god.
Thursday, November 12
So I have no peroration or clarion note on which to close. Beware the irrational, however seductive. Shun the "transcendent" and all who invite you to subordinate or annihilate yourself. Distrust compassion; prefer dignity for yourself and others. Don't be afraid to be thought arrogant or selfish. Picture all experts as if they were mammals. Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity. Seek out argument and disputation for their own sake; the grave will supply plenty of time for silence. Suspect your own motives , and all excuses. Do not live for others any more than you would expect others to live for you.
I shall leave you with a few words from George Konrad, the Hungarian dissident who retained his integrity through some crepuscular times, and who survived his persecutors by writing Antipolitics and The Loser, and many other lapidary essays and fictions. (When, after the emancipation of his country and soceity, they came to him and offered him the presidency, he said "No, thanks.") He wrote this in 1987, when the dawn seemed a good way off:
Have a lived life instead of a career. Put yourself in the safekeeping of good taste. Lived freedom will compensate you for a few losses.... If you don't like the style of others, cultivate your own. Get to know the tricks of reproduction, be a self-publisher even in conservation, and then the joy of working can fill your days.
May it be so with you, and may you keep your powder dry for the battles ahead, and know when and how to recognise them.
-Christopher Hitchens in his Letters to a Young Contrarian
Saturday, November 7
How Do I Know Whether God Exists?
The problem is that belief in God does not seem to rest on any particular foundation. Most likely, you were raised with that belief, taught it as a child, and encouraged in it as you grew to maturity. You were taken to church or temple and naturally came to assume that the deity to which everyone referred, and to whom you yourself had often prayed, exists. But what is the evidence for that belief? How can you prove that your natural assumption is justified? A few people claim to have had God speak to them, but they are few and far between and are not always the most reliable witnesses. One popular proof of God's existence is the fact that the Bible tells us, over and over again, about God. But appealing to the Bible as evidence of God's existence presupposes just that sort of belief that is at issue, a logical fallacy often called "begging the question." Believing in God and believing that the Bible is the revealed word of God are two aspects of one and the same belief, and one cannot be used to prove the other.
You may have "felt" God's presence, but feelings, too, must be justified, because sometimes they can be misleading. Sometimes you sense danger when there is no danger, and, in the same way, it is possible to have a religious feeling without that proving the feeling refers to anything outside of you. Indeed, the very nature of God, according to many theorists and theologians, is such that God "transcends" the world and is outside of our experience. God cannot be seen or sensed as such, and that is why it is necessary to believe in God. If God could simply be presented to us, like a statue or a person, such a powerful notion of belief would not be necessary.
A different way of putting the same point is to say that believing in God is a matter of faith and not a matter knowledge. But many believers have refused to accept the idea that this most important belief is not part of our knowledge in the strongest sense. How can our most important belief not also be the best known? Accordingly, much of the history of theology has been devoted to the project of proving God's existence. The idea is not to replace faith or undermine the need to believe, but rather supplement faith and belief with a demonstration that they are indeed justified and based on knowledge of the most secure kind.
-from Twenty Questions by Bowie, Michaels, Solomon
Thursday, November 5
Murderer's Montage
Murder Murder Murder Kill Kill Kill
현장엔 흥건한 피 피 피
가족에 눈에 내리는 비 비 비
남겨진 유품들 Let me see see see
수집한 증거물 Let me see see see
증거물일 술 담배를 권하는 손
많이 죽여야 사는 전쟁 게임을 만드는 손
어린 소녀의 볼을 쓰다듬는 나이든 손
인터넷 댓글란에 쓰레기를 투척하는 손
자식의 상처를 외면하는 무관심한 눈
약점을 샅샅이 찾아내는 비상한 눈
가벼운 병도 암으로 만드는 마법의 눈
능력과 외모로만 상대방을 심판하는 눈
영양이 파괴된 음식을 간 보는 입
예쁜 그녀를 수술침대로 꼬시는 입
사랑할 때 장갑을 끼지 않는 생식기와
거식과 폭식을 유발하는 잘빠진 bodyline
이 많은 살인도구 그러면 범인은 누구
조각해볼까 이 미친 살인마의 몽타주
술에 떡이 된 채 운전대를 붙잡은 손
아내와 자식들의 뺨을 세게 때리는 손
인생을 건 화투패를 돌리는 떨리는 손
황급히 뇌물을 숨기는 더러운 손
세상의 치부를 못 본척하는 합리적인 눈
친구의 고통조차 외면하는 이기적인 눈
동료를 짓밟고 올라서는 교활한 발
외국인 노동자를 걷어차는 잔인한 발
사람을 따돌리고 상처주는 혀
진실을 빼돌리고 사기치는 혀
본심과 다르게 눈치를 보며 끄덕이는 목
뒤틀린 이념의 헛된 이상을 노래하는 목
이 많은 살인도구 그러면 범인은 누구
조각해볼까 미친 살인마의 몽타주
용의자 1 그 불결한 두 손은 너의 것
용의자 2 그 역겨운 두 눈은 너의 것
용의자 3 그 냄새 나는 입은 너의 것
말해봐 나머지 증거물들은 대체 누구 것
나의 것 남을 찌르는 가시 같은 혀
나의 것 쉬어버린 목과 더러운 발
나의 것 너의 것 그들을 죽였던
완성된 몽타주의 주인공은 우리 나와 너
Wednesday, November 4
For years, when I went to renew my annual pass at the United States Senate, I was made to fill in two forms. The first asked me for my biographical details and the second stipulated that I had signed the former under penalty of perjury. I was grateful for the latter form, because when asked to state my "race" I always put "human" in the required box. This led to a yearly row. "Put 'white,'" I was once told-- by an African-American clerk, I might add. I explained that white was not even a color, let alone a race. I also drew his attention to the perjury provision that obliged me to state only the truth. "Put Caucasian,'" I was told on another occasion. I said that I had no connection with the Caucasus and no belief in the outmoded ethnology that had produced the category. So it went on until one year there was no race space on the form. I'd like to claim credit for this, though I probably can't. I offer you the story, also, as part of my recommendation that one acts bloody-minded as often as the odds are favorable and even sometimes when they are not: it's good exercise.
-Christopher Hitchens in his Letters to a Young Contrarian
Karl Marx
Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress.
Religion is the sign of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people.
The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusions about its condition is the demand to give up a condition that needs illusions. The criticism of religion is therefore in embryo the criticism of the vale of woe, the halo which is religion.
Criticism has plucked the imaginary flowers from the chain not so that man will wear the chain without any fantasy or consolation but so that he will shake off the chain and cull the living flower.
-in his Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right
Wednesday, October 28
Laugh, and the world laughs with you;
Weep, and you weep alone;
For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth,
But has trouble enough of its own.
Sing, and the hills will answer;
Sigh, it is lost on the air.
The echoes bound to a joyful sound,
But shrink from voicing care.
Rejoice, and men will seek you;
Grieve, and they turn and go.
They want full measure of all your pleasure,
But they do not need your woe.
Be glad, and your friends are many;
Be sad, and you lose them all.
There are none to decline your nectared wine,
But alone you must drink life's gall.
Feast, and your halls are crowded;
Fast, and the world goes by.
Succeed and give, and it helps you live,
But no man can help you die.
There is no room in the halls of pleasure
For a long and lordly train,
But one by one we must all file on
Through the narrow aisles of pain.
-Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Tuesday, October 27
The McGriddle Argument
Tucker: "Dude- that thing looks disgusting. It has to be nasty, with the syrup shit in it. What is that?"
SlingBlade: "I can only assume from your cavalier attitude that you have yet to partake of the wonderment that is the McGriddle. Let me enlighten you. What happens is the One True God grows them on trees in the Elysian Fields using a heretofore unused incantation. He then proceeds to magic them down to your local eatery where whatever Ghetto Bastard cook your McDonalds has rescued from welfare that week proceeds to wrap it in cellophane and pass it along to you, the fortunate consumer. You proceed to ingest this finery in the vain hope that your obviously overmatched taste buds can somehow grasp the delectable intricacies it is suddenly faced with. Is that egg? Why yes it is, and bacon too. But wait- they didn't add... yes they did, yes they did indeed. They added cheese. And then, then my friends, they wrapped it in a sumptuous pancake bun! As your taste buds try to process that amazing piece of information, IT hits them... the syrup nugget. THE MOTHERFUCKING SYRUP NUGGET! It announces itself with a burst of confectionery grandiosity the likes of which your palate has never seen."
Tucker: "So you like them?"
SlingBlade: "If you EVER speak ill of the McGriddle again I will personally force-feed you one while I fuck you in the butt using the wrapper as a condom and then donkey punch you when the infused syrup nuggets explode in your mouth."
-from "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell" by Tucker Max
Sunday, October 25
Thursday, October 22
Brother Ali
Went to the concert. Amazing.
Check out if the Fresh Air Tour is coming to your city.
Tuesday, October 20
Thanks Obama
Press Freedom Index 2009
The United States has climbed 20 places in the rankings, from 40th to 20th, in just one year. Barack Obama’s election as president and the fact that he has a less hawkish approach than his predecessor have had a lot to do with this.
But this sharp rise concerns only the state of press freedom within the United States. President Obama may have been awarded the Nobel peace prize, but his country is still fighting two wars. Despite a slight improvement, the attitude of the United States towards the media in Iraq and Afghanistan is worrying. Several journalists were injured or arrested by the US military. One, Ibrahim Jassam, is still being held in Iraq.
Sunday, October 18
별들 아래
Floating here like this with you
Underneath the stars
Alight for 13 billion years
The view is beautiful
And ours alone tonight
Underneath the stars
Spinning round and round with you
Watching shadows melt the light
Soft shining from our eyes
Into another space
Is ours alone tonight
Watching shadows melt
The waves break
The waves break
Whisper in my ear a wish
"We could drift away"
Held tight
Your voice inside my head
The kiss is infinite
And ours alone tonight
We could drift away
Flying here like this with you
Underneath the stars
Alight for 13 billion years
The view is beautiful
And ours alone tonight
Underneath the stars
And everything gone
And all still to come
As nothing to us
Together as one
In each others arms
So near and so far
Forever as now
Underneath the stars
As the waves break
Saturday, October 17
모가지가 길어서 슬픈짐승이여
언제나 점잖은 편 말이 없구나
관이 향기로운 너는
무척 높은 족속이었나보다
물속에 제 그림자를 들여다보고
잃었던 전설을 생각해내고는
어찌 할 수 없는 향수에
슬픈 모가지를 하고 먼데 산을 쳐다본다
Wednesday, October 14
Of the millions who attend church and claim to be followers of Christ, how many actually read the bible?
Does it not bother them to see blatant contradictions in the so-called infallible word of God?
Just a few...
Then when Judas, who had betrayed Him, saw that He had been condemned, he felt remorse and returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,
saying "I have sinned by betraying innocent blood." But they said, "What is that to us? See to that yourself!"
And he threw the pieces of silver into the temple sanctuary and departed; and he went away and hanged himself.
-Mathew 27:3-5
"Brethren, the Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit foretold by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus.
"For he was counted among us and received his share in this ministry."
(Now this man acquired a field with the price of his wickedness, and falling headlong, he burst open in the middle and all his intestines gushed out.
And it became known to all who were living in Jerusalem; so that in their own language that field was called Hakeldama, that is, Field of Blood.)
-Acts 1:16-19
Genesis 1
Trees, birds, and other animals were created before man was created.
Genesis 2
Trees, birds, and other animals were created after man was created.
Genesis 10
There were many languages before the tower of Babel.
Genesis 11
There was only one language before the tower of Babel.
Mathew, Mark, and Luke
Judas bargained with the chief priests before the last supper.
Judas made the bargain with chief priests after the last supper.
Mathew 27
Jesus answers not a single charge at his hearing for Pilate.
John 18
Jesus answers all charges at his hearing for Pilate
Mathew 27
Jesus is given a scarlet robe
Mathew 15 and John 19
Jesus is given a purple robe
Mark 1
Jesus began his ministry after the arrest of John the Baptist
John 3
Jesus began his ministry before the arrest of John the Baptist
Monday, October 12
"I'm crazy."
"You're not crazy.
I used to be crazy.
But you're not crazy.
Look... you're my only son."
"I know..."
"No, no... hold on. I know I'm not the best communicator but... whatever happens to you... be honest, tell the truth. Even if they look at you funny. They will.
But what you gotta understand, son, is that almost all of those people are full of shit. They're all a part of this great big conspiracy. Bullshit. And they're scared of people like you... because those bullshitters know that you're smarter than all of them.
You know what you say to people like that? Fuck you. Hahaha."
-from Donnie Darko
Wednesday, October 7
Tuesday, October 6
The Problem of Hell and a Loving God
If you truly love someone, you don't burn them for eternity simply because they don't love you back.
That's the sign of a psychotic individual.
Saturday, October 3
잠이 깨면 바라다보려고 장미 일곱 송이를 샀다.
거리에 나오니 사람들이 내 꽃을 보고 간다. 여학생들도 내 꽃을 보고 간다.
전차를 기다리고 섰다가 Y를 만났다.
언제나 그는 나를 보면 웃더니, 오늘은 웃지를 않는다.
부인이 달포째 앓는데, 약 지으러 갈 돈도 떨어졌다고 한다.
나에게도 가진 돈이 없었다. 머뭇거리다가 부인께 갖다 드리라고 장미 두 송이를 주었다.
Y와 헤어져서 동대문해 전차를 탔다. 팔에 안긴 아기가 자나 하고 들여다보는 엄마와 종이에 싸인 장미를 가만히 들여다보았다.
문득 C의 화병에 시든 꽃이 그냥 꽃혀 있던 것이 생각났다.
그때는 전차가 벌써 종로를 지났으나 그 화병을 그냥 내버려 두고 갈 수는 없을 것 같았다.
나는 전차에서 내려 사직동에 있는 C의 하숙을 찾아갔다. C는 아직 들어오질 않았다. 나는 그의 꽃병에 물을 갈아준 뒤에, 가지고 갔던 꽃 중에서 두 송이를 꽂아 놓았다. 그리고 딸을 두고 오는 어머니같이 뒤를 돌아보며 그 집을 나왔다.
숭삼동에서 전차를 내려서 남은 세 송이의 장미가 시들세라 빨리 걸어가노라니 누군지 뒤에서 나를 찾는다. K가 나를 보고 웃고 있었다. 애인을 만나러 가는 모양이었다. K가 내 꽃을 탐내는 듯이 보았다. 나는 남은 꽃송이를 다 주고 말았다. 그는 미안해 하지도 않고 받아 가지고는 달아난다.
집에 와서 꽃 사 가지고 오기를 기다리는 꽃병을 보니 미안하다. 그리고 그 꽃 일곱 송이는 다 내가 주고 싶어서 주었지만, 장미 한 송이라도 가져서는 안 되는 것 같아서 서운하다.
-피천득 수필집 <인연>에서
Thursday, October 1
Koreans enraged by light jail term for young girl's rapist
(Uhmmmm, no surprise here. South Korea, the place to be for all rapists.)
SEOUL, Sept. 30 (Yonhap) -- A horrifying sexual assault on an eight-year-old girl by a habitual sex offender and the court's lighter-than-expected punishment have severely jolted South Korean society, prompting even President Lee Myung-bak to express resentment during a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday.
A 57-year-old man living in Ansan, south of Seoul, was recently sentenced by a district court to 12 years in prison for brutally beating and raping the girl, known only as Na-young, a first-grade elementary school student, after kidnapping her on her way to school in December last year.
Na-young, who doctors say sustained irreversible damage to her genitals, anus and intestines as a result of the rape, has remained in the intensive care unit of a local hospital.
As the Supreme Court Wednesday confirmed the lower court's 12-year jail term for Cho, the South Korean public exploded with anger. Prosecutors had demanded a life sentence for Cho, who has a record of 17 previous crimes and spent three years in prison for rape years ago.
Nearly 300,000 angry netizens have signed a petition at an Internet portal site calling for capital punishment for Cho.
Amid the rising society-wide resentment, President Lee said he has been frightened and distressed by the Na-young case, as well as by the court's ruling against the sex offender.
"I've been deeply saddened after reading reports of Na-young's case. It is not easy to raise a question about the court's rulings, but I think such a person (Cho) should be permanently separated from our society," Lee was quoted by his spokesman as saying during the weekly Cabinet meeting.
"All parents with young children may have been severely shocked. This kind of incident can occur to us all. Such anti-humanity crimes and criminals should disappear from this soil for good," the president said, instructing relevant ministries to devise measures to prevent the recurrence of similar crimes.
According to Lee's aides, the Web site of the presidential office, Cheong Wa Dae, has been flooded with thousands of angry messages protesting the Supreme Court's "light" jail term that it handed down to Cho.
Wednesday, September 30
The Fanatic, Fraudulent Mother Teresa
I think it was Macaulay who said that the Roman Catholic Church deserved great credit for, and owed its longevity to, its ability to handle and contain fanaticism. This rather oblique compliment belongs to a more serious age. What is so striking about the "beatification" of the woman who styled herself "Mother" Teresa is the abject surrender, on the part of the church, to the forces of showbiz, superstition, and populism.
It's the sheer tawdriness that strikes the eye first of all. It used to be that a person could not even be nominated for "beatification," the first step to "sainthood," until five years after his or her death. This was to guard against local or popular enthusiasm in the promotion of dubious characters. The pope nominated MT a year after her death in 1997. It also used to be that an apparatus of inquiry was set in train, including the scrutiny of an advocatus diaboli or "devil's advocate," to test any extraordinary claims. The pope has abolished this office and has created more instant saints than all his predecessors combined as far back as the 16th century.
As for the "miracle" that had to be attested, what can one say? Surely any respectable Catholic cringes with shame at the obviousness of the fakery. A Bengali woman named Monica Besra claims that a beam of light emerged from a picture of MT, which she happened to have in her home, and relieved her of a cancerous tumor. Her physician, Dr. Ranjan Mustafi, says that she didn't have a cancerous tumor in the first place and that the tubercular cyst she did have was cured by a course of prescription medicine. Was he interviewed by the Vatican's investigators? No. (As it happens, I myself was interviewed by them but only in the most perfunctory way. The procedure still does demand a show of consultation with doubters, and a show of consultation was what, in this case, it got.)
Read the rest at
Tuesday, September 29
Australian surfer Mark Visser surfs an 11 metre (36 foot) wave at Cow Bombie, near the West Australian town of Gracetown, 280km (174 miles) south of Perth, in this handout photograph obtained September 28, 2009. The organisers claim that Visser has caught one of the biggest waves in Australia for 2009. The Cow Bombie break is gaining a reputation as one of the hot spots for big wave surfing.
REUTERS/Calum Macauley/Handout
Monday, September 28
고려 말의 학자이자 명신인 이조년李兆年은 호가 매운당梅雲堂인데 유명한 시조 "이화에 월백하고"를 지은 시인이기도 하다.
소년 시절 그는 형 억년과 한강 가를 걸어가다 우연히 길가에서 금덩이를 주웠다. 하나씩 나누어 가진 두 형제가 기쁨에 들떠서 나룻배를 타고 강을 건너고 있었는데 갑자기 동생 조년이 금덩이를 강물 속에 던져버렸다. 깜짝 놀란 형이 이유를 묻자 조년이 대답했다.
"형님, 금덩이를 버리고 나니 마음이 편안해졌어요. 금을 형님과 나누어 갖고 난 후 줄곧 욕심이 솢구쳐 마음이 편치 않았어요. 형님이 없었더라면 내가 몽땅 가질 수 있었을 텐데 라는 생각도 들고, 형님의 것을 뺏고 싶다는 충동마저 느꼇지 뭡니까. 그래서 나는 황금이 요물임을 깨닫고 버린 것입니다." 이 말을 들은 형 억년도 금덩이를 한강 물 속에 던져 넣으며 말했다.
"나도 마음속으로 너와 똑같이 생각하고 있었다. 하마터면 우리 사이에 금이 갈 뻔했구나."
후세 사람들은 형제들이 금을 던졌던 양천나루를 투금탄投金灘이라고 불렀다.
오늘날 우리들이 살고 있는 이 시대는 황금만능의 물질시대이다. 지금이야말로 은밀하게 부정한 방법으로 돈주머니를 채우는 행위에서 벗어나 황금을 강물 속에 던져버리는 이조년 형제의 사상을 본받아 실천할 때인 것이다.
I never saw a wild thing
sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself.
-D.H. Lawrence
Tuesday, September 22
Friday, September 18
신이 맺은 운명의 선
나만의 구원인게 분명해 넌
절대 부정해선 안돼
악의 안개속을 걸어 갈때 내 눈부신 빛과 방패
It's you 내가 쉬는 숨은 너
Yeah, it's you 내가 꿈꾸는 너
내가 한 방울의 물을 원할 땐 바다를,
또 내가 한알의 모래를 원할 땐 사막을 주는 너
No place to go
We've got no place to go
My heaven is you
-Epik High
Tuesday, September 15
Monday, September 14
Saturday, September 12
Jordan’s night to remember turns petty
By Adrian Wojnarowski
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. – The tears tumbled, flooding his face and Michael Jordan had yet to march to the microphone at Symphony Hall. He had listened to the genuine stories and speeches of a remarkable class. He had watched a “This is Your Life” video compilation of his basketball genius. Everything flashed before him, a legacy that he’s fought with body and soul to never, ever let go into yesterday.
Yes, Michael Jordan was still fighting it on Friday night, and maybe he always will. Mostly, he was crying over the passing of that old Jordan, and it wouldn’t be long until he climbed out of his suit and back into his uniform and shorts, back into an adolescent act that’s turned so tedious.
This wasn’t a Hall of Fame induction speech, but a bully tripping nerds with lunch trays in the school cafeteria. He had a responsibility to his standing in history, to players past and present, and he let everyone down. This was a night to leave behind the petty grievances and past slights – real and imagined. This was a night to be gracious, to be generous with praise and credit.
“M.J. was introduced as the greatest player ever and he’s still standing there trying to settle scores,” one Hall of Famer said privately later.
Jordan didn’t hurt his image with the NBA community, as much as he reminded them of it. “That’s who Michael is,” one high-ranking team executive said. “It wasn’t like he was out of character. There’s no one else who could’ve gotten away with what he did tonight. But it was Michael, and everyone just goes along.”
Jordan wandered through an unfocused and uninspired speech at Symphony Hall, disparaging people who had little to do with his career, like Jeff Van Gundy and Bryon Russell. He ignored people who had so much to do with it, like his personal trainer, Tim Grover. This had been a moving and inspirational night for the NBA – one of its best ceremonies ever – and five minutes into Jordan’s speech it began to spiral into something else. Something unworthy of Jordan’s stature, something beneath him.
Jordan spent more time pointlessly admonishing Van Gundy and Russell for crossing him with taunts a dozen years ago than he did singling out his three children. When he finally acknowledged his family, Jordan blurted, in part, to them, “I wouldn’t want to be you guys.”
Well, um, thanks Dad. He meant it, too. If not the NBA, he should’ve thought of his children before he started spraying fire at everyone.
No one ever feels sorry for Isiah Thomas, but Jordan tsk-tsked him and George Gervin and Magic Johnson for the 1985 All-Star game “freeze-out.” Jordan was a rookie, and the older stars decided to isolate him. It was a long time ago, and he obliterated them all for six NBA championships and five MVP trophies. Isiah and the Ice Man looked stunned, as intimidated 50 feet from the stage, as they might have been on the basketball court.
The cheering and laughter egged Jordan on, but this was no public service for him. Just because he was smiling didn’t mean this speech hadn’t dissolved into a downright vicious volley.
Worst of all, he flew his old high school teammate, Leroy Smith, to Springfield for the induction. Remember, Smith was the upperclassman his coach, Pop Herring, kept on varsity over him as a high school sophomore. He waggled to the old coach, “I wanted to make sure you understood: You made a mistake, dude.”
Whatever, Michael. Everyone gets it. Truth be told, everyone got it years ago, but somehow he thinks this is a cleansing exercise. When basketball wanted to celebrate Jordan as the greatest player ever, wanted to honor him for changing basketball everywhere, he was petty and punitive. Yes, there was some wink-wink teasing with his beloved Dean Smith, but make no mistake: Jordan revealed himself to be strangely bitter. You won, Michael. You won it all. Yet, he keeps chasing something that he’ll never catch, and sometimes, well, it all seems so hollow for him.
This is why he’s a terrible basketball executive because he still hasn’t learned to channel his aggressions into hard work on that job. For the Charlotte Bobcats, Jordan remains an absentee boss who keeps searching for basketball players on fairways and greens.
From the speeches of David Robinson to John Stockton, Jerry Sloan to Vivian Stringer, there was an unmistakable thread of peace of mind and purpose. At times, they were self-deprecating and deflective of praise. Jordan hasn’t mastered that art, and it reveals him to be oddly insecure. When Jordan should’ve thanked the Bulls ex-GM, Jerry Krause, for surrounding him with championship coaches and talent, he ridiculed him. It was me, Jordan was saying. Not him. “The organization didn’t play with the flu in Utah,” Jordan grumbled.
For Jordan to let someone else share in the Bulls’ dynasty will never diminish his greatness. Just enhance it. Only, he’s 46 years old and he still doesn’t get it. Yes, Jordan did gush over Scottie Pippen, but he failed to confess that he had wanted Krause to draft North Carolina’s Joe Wolf. Sometimes, no one is better with a half a story, half a truth, than Jordan. All his life, no one’s ever called him on it.
Whatever Jordan wants to believe, understand this: The reason that Van Gundy’s declaration of him as a “con man” so angered him is because it was true on so many levels.
It was part of his competitiveness edge, part of his marketability, and yes, part of his human frailty.
Jordan wasn’t crying over sentimentality on Friday night, as much as he was the loss of a life that he returned from two retirements to have again. The finality of his basketball genius hit him at the induction ceremony, hit him hard. Jordan showed little poise and less grace.
Once again, he turned the evening into something bordering between vicious and vapid, an empty exercise for a night that should’ve had staying power, that should’ve been transformative for basketball and its greatest player. What fueled his fury as a thirtysomething now fuels his bitterness as a lost, wandering fortysomething who threatened a comeback at 50.
“Don’t laugh,” Michael Jordan warned.
No one’s laughing anymore.
Once and for all, Michael: It’s over.
You won.
Thursday, September 10
Act One
The story plays out in an idyllic north Italian village. Nemorino, a simple peasant, loves Adina, who comes from a wealthy family. As the curtain rises, Adina reads the story of Tristan and Isolde to a group of peasants who are taking a break from the harvest. The sounds of a march interrupt this pastoral episode. Sergeant Belcore swaggers onto the scene at the head of a platoon of soldiers and is instantly drawn to Adina. He gives her flowers and proposes marriage, but Adina is not so easily wooed. The whole scene upsets Nemorino, who tries to persuade Adina to love him instead, but she would rather stay unattached.
Dr. Dulcamara, a traveling huckster, enters the square and begins peddling his cure-all. Impressed, Nemorino asks if he happens to be selling any of Isolde's legendary love potion. Nemorino listened to the story and remembers what the potion did for Tristan, perhaps it might do the same for him. The doctor obliges with a bottle full of "elixir" which is really just wine, promising it will take effect in twenty-four hours. Nemorino takes a swig, and his confidence increases immeasurably. Adina, irritated at Nemorino's new self-assurance, spites him by promising to marry Belcore in six days. Of course, that doesn't faze Nemorino; the elixir will have worked by then. A soldier arrives with orders calling the platoon to the front the next day, and, faced with Belcore's departure, Adina agrees to push the wedding forward to today. This throws Nemorino into a panic. How can he win Adina without the help of the elixir?
Act Two
The wedding celebration is going full steam. Dulcamara and Adina perform a duet about a dirty old Venetian Senator lusting after a gondolier girl to amuse the guests. The notary arrives, but Adina tries to stall. She doesn't see Nemorino, and, since she's only marrying to torment him, why bother until he's there to see it?
Everyone heads off to continue celebrating, but Dulcamara stays behind to pick over the remnants of the feast. Nemorino enters, heart-broken, and asks the doctor what to do. Dulcamara naturally recommends another dose of elixir, but Nemorino has no money. That puts things in a different light, so Nemorino decides to enlist in Belcore's platoon to raise the price of another bottle.
But Nemorino's wealthy uncle has died and left a fortune to the boy, and news has reached the village girls, who rush to throw themselves at him. Clueless about his inheritance, Nemorino thinks that the second dose has done the trick. Adina can't believe what she's seeing.
Her interest piqued, she asks Dulcamara if he knows what's going on, and he tells her about how Nemorino enlisted to buy the elixir and win her love. Touched that he would go to such lengths to win her, Adina realizes that she's loved Nemorino all along. She buys his enlistment back from Belcore and confesses her true feelings to Nemorino. Everyone in the village celebrates their happiness and, of course, the power of Dulcamara's elixir.
-My very first opera attended... The Elixir of Love by Gaetano Donizetti
Tuesday, September 8
Wednesday, September 2
"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.
"I don't much care where..." said Alice.
"Then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat.
-Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
-George Bernard Shaw, Maxims for Revolutionists
Thursday, August 27
Wednesday, August 26
단순하면서도 가난하되, 절제된 아름다움을 지닌 삶, 그것이 내가 스님의 처소에서 받은 첫 느낌이다. 그리고 그것은 많은 물건 더미와 장식물을 자랑하는 '풍요로운 감옥'들에 대한 서늘한 깨우침이 아닐 수 없다.
그분은 가난한 삶을 역설한다. 가난한 삶이라니! 모두가 경제 회복과 물질의 풍요를 되찾자고 외치는 이 시대에! 그러나 나는 아무리 해도 그 말씀에 공감하지 않을 수 없다.
세상의 소음과 어지러운 말들에 지칠 때면 나는 십 년 전 처음 찾아갔던 그 불일암의 뜰과, 그곳에서 느낀 단순함과 침묵의 풍요가 더 없이 그립다. 다시 그곳에 가서 홀로 가만히 앉아 있고 싶어진다. 그래서 내 안을 들여다보고, 그 안에서 고구마를 캐듯이 침묵을 캐내고 싶어진다.
-류시화, 법정 스님 <산에는 꽃이 피네>에서
God and the State - Mikhail Bakunin
"The idea of God implies the abdication of human reason and justice; it is the most decisive negation of human liberty, and necessarily ends in the enslavement of mankind, in theory and practice."
"If God really existed, it would be necessary to abolish Him."
- Mikhail Bakunin, Russian anarchist, anti-theist, and writer who participated in the revolutionary movement of 1848-49
Sunday, August 23
Malleus Maleficarum
The pope appointed Kramer and Sprenger to write a comprehensive analysis, using the full academic armory of the late fifteenth century. With exhaustive citations of Scripture and of ancient and modern scholars, they produced the Malleus Maleficarum, the "Hammer of Witches"-aptly described as one of the most terrifying documents in human history. Thomas Ady, in A Candle in the Dark, condemned it as "villainous Doctrines & Inventions," "horrible lyes and impossibilities," serving to hide "their unparalleled cruelty from the ears of the world." What the Malleus comes down to, pretty much, is that if you're accused of witchcraft, you're a witch. Torture is an unfailing means to demonstrate the validity of the accusation. There are no rights of the defendant. There is no opportunity to confront the accusers. Little attention is given to the possibility that accusations might be made for impious purposes-jealousy, say, or revenge, or greed of the inquisitors who routinely confiscated for their own private benefit the property of the accused. This technical manual for torturers also includes methods of punishment tailored to release demons from the victim's body before the process kills her. The Malleus in hand, the Pope's encouragement guaranteed, inquisitors began springing up all over Europe.
It quickly became an expense account scam. All costs of investigation, trial, and execution were borne by the accused or her relatives-down to per diems for the private detectives hired to spy on her, wine for her guards, banquets for her judges, the travel expenses of a messenger sent to fetch a more experienced torturer from another city, and the faggots, tar and hangman's rope. Then there was a bonus to the members of the tribunal for each witch burned. The convicted witch's remaining property, if any, was divided between Church and State. As this legally and morally sanctioned mass murder and theft became institutionalized, as a vast bureaucracy arose to serve it, attention was turned from poor hags and crones to the middle class and well-to-do of both sexes.
In the witch trials, mitigating evidence or defense witnesses were inadmissible. In any case, it was nearly impossible to provide compelling alibis for accused witches: The rules of evidence had a special character. For example, in more than one case a husband attested that his wife was asleep in his arms at the very moment she was accused of frolicking with the devil at a witch's Sabbath; but the archbishop patiently explained that a demon had taken the place of the wife. The husbands were not to imagine that their powers of perception could exceed Satan's powers of deception. The beautiful young women were perforce consigned the flames.
There were strong erotic and misogynistic elements-as might be expected in a sexually repressed, male-dominated society with inquisitors drawn from the class of nominally celibate priests. The trials paid close attention to the quality and quantity of orgasm in the supposed copulations of defendants with demons or the Devil (although Augustine had been certain "we cannot call the Devil a fornicator"), and to the nature of the Devil's "member" (cold, by all reports). "Devil's marks" were found "generally on the breasts or private parts" according to Ludovico Sinistrari's 1700 book. As a result pubic hair was shaved, and the genitalia were carefully inspected by the exclusively male inquisitors. In the immolation of the 20-year-old Joan of Arc, after her dress had caught fire the Hangman of Rouen slaked the flames so onlookers could view "all the secrets which can or should be in a woman."
-Carl Sagan, from The Demon-Haunted World
Friday, August 21
"Will someone in the back get an ambulance, please?"
10 Tenets of Skepticism
by TurpisHaereticum
Mad respect for this brilliant man.
1) I do not need the opiate they call religion, for I shall hold nothing on faith alone. I will require evidence, reason and critical thought to arrive at conclusions.
2) Because I may know your holy book better than you does not mean I am repressing a hidden inner 'true' belief in your deity, it means that I care if what I believe is true. I will spend time and energy looking into claims to verify there is substantial reason to believe and when there is not I will abandon those beliefs.
3) I will not only research and investigate one side of an issue, I will try to inform myself of many facets of a topic.
4) I shall hold arguments from popularity as irrelevant. How many people believe a 'thing' does not necessitate 'truth'.
5) I shall dismiss arguments from ignorance. Because we do not know the true cause does not infer that a supernatural or pseudo-scientific explanation is the correct one.
6) I believe extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
7) My systematic doubt is not a negative, it is an asset, along with continuous inquiry, for I value the truth.
8) 'We don't know' is a perfectly acceptable answer instead of a made-up one. I accept that there are limits to our knowledge at this time.
9) I shall exhibit a joy and wonder in learning about the world while trying to keep at bay emotion driven thinking.
10) I will question, question, question, question, question, question, question...
Thursday, August 20
Eddie Would Go
In 1978, the Polynesian Voyaging Society was seeking volunteers for a 30-day, 2,500-mile (4,000 km) journey to follow the ancient route of the Polynesian migration between the Hawaiian and Tahitian island chains. At 31 years of age, Eddie Aikau joined the voyage as a crew member. The Hokule'a left the Hawaiian islands on March 16, 1978. The double-hulled voyaging canoe developed a leak in one of the hulls and later capsized about twelve miles (19 km) south of the island of Molokai. In an attempt to get help, Aikau paddled toward Lanai on his surfboard. Although the rest of the crew was later rescued by the U.S. Coast Guard, Aikau was never seen again. The ensuing search for Aikau was the largest air-sea search in Hawaii history.
Held in honor of Aikau, The Quiksilver in Memory of Eddie Aikau gathers 24 of the most skillful and dynamic big-wave surfers from around the world as polled by a comprehensive panel consisting of influential watermen, members of the surf industry, and internationally recognized surfing Associations.
The event takes place at the hallowed grounds of Waimea Bay, on the North Shore of Oahu, and requires one day with a minimum of 20-foot surf (this translates to a wave face height of over 30 feet) in order to run. The event does not allow the use of jet skis to tow surfers into the waves.
Tuesday, August 18
손기정 孫基禎
Sohn Kee-chung ( August 29, 1912 - November 15, 2002) became the first medal-winning Korean Olympian, together with his teammate Nam Sung-yong when he won 1936 Berlin Olympics Marathon.
As Korea was invaded by Japan and most of the country under Japanese de facto control at the time, Sohn Kee-chung competed for the Japanese team in the Olympics, and was forced by the Japanese to use the Japanese name Son Kitei. However, Sohn Kee-chung refused to sign his names in Japanese and signed only in his authentic name, and even sketched the shape of Korea beside his signatures. When interviewers asked him about his country, he would clarify that Korea is his mother country. When he received the award, so overcome with emotion that the flag rising was of Japan and not of Korea, he shed tears.
One of Korea's local newspaper, Dong-a Ilbo (東亞日報) (East Asia Daily), purposefully got rid of Japanese flag in the photo of Sohn Kee-chung receiving the award. This act so enraged the Japanese regime that 8 newspaper personnels were imprisoned, and the East Asia Daily were forced to stop operation for 9 months.
Always on my mind
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Maybe I didn't treat you
Quite as good as I should have
Maybe I didn't love you
Quite as often as I could have
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Maybe i didn't hold you
All those lonely, lonely times
And I guess I never told you
I'm so happy that you're mine
If I made you feel second best
Girl, I'm so sorry I was blind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
You were always on my mind
Monday, August 17
Sunday, August 16
The Hand That Feeds
You're keeping in step in the line
Got your chin held high and you feel just fine
'Cause you do what you're told
But inside your heart it is black
and it's hollow and it's cold
Just how deep do you believe?
Will you bite the hand that feeds?
Will you chew until it bleeds?
Can you get up off your knees?
Are you brave enough to see?
Do you wanna change it?
What if this whole crusade's a charade
And behind it all there's a price to be paid
For the blood which we dine
Justified in the name of the Holy and the Divine
Just how deep do you believe?
Will you bite the hand that feeds?
Will you chew until it bleeds?
Can you get up off your knees?
Are you brave enough to see?
Do you wanna change it?
So naive
I keep holding on to what I wanna believe
I can see
But I keep holding on and on and on and on
Will you bite the hand that feeds you?
Will you stay down on your knees?
-Nine Inch Nails
Saturday, August 15
우리의 인생은 일기예보
인생은 일기예보와 같다.
수십억의 인간들이 모여서 제 나름대로의 인생을 살고
있다지만 결국 기쁘고 슬프고, 행복하고 불행한 그 두
가지 감성의 교차에 지나지 않는다. 궂은 날이 있으면
맑은 날이 있듯이, 그 어떤 불행한 사람에게도 반드시
행복한 때가 다가오기 마련이다.
그러므로 오늘 날씨가 바람 불고 비가 온다고 해서 지
나치게 근심하거나 슬퍼할 필요도 없으며, 오늘 날씨가
쾌청하고 구름 한 점 없이 맑다고 해서 우산이나 비옷
을 없애서도 안 될 것이다.
-최인호 수상록 <문장>에서
Wednesday, August 12
Excessive government spending has done more than just put us in debt. Charles Murray offers us a useful thought experiment that illustrates the welfare state's enervating effects on our communities and our character. Imagine that the programs that constituted the federal "safety net" were all of a sudden abolished, and for whatever reason could not be revived. And pretend also that the states chose not to replace them with programs of their own, which they almost certainly would. The questions Murray wants us to focus on are these: How would you respond? Would you be more or less likely to volunteer at a food bank? Would you be more or less likely to volunteer at a literacy center? If you were a lawyer or physician, would you be more or less likely to offer pro bono services?
We would all answer yes to these questions, wouldn't we? But then we need to ask ourselves: why aren't we doing these things already? And the answer is that we have bought into the soul-killing logic of the welfare state: somebody else is doing it for me. I don't need to give of myself, since a few scribbles on a tax form fulfull my responsibility toward my fellow man. Do our responsibilities as human beings really extend no farther than this?
- Ron Paul, from The Revolution: A Manifesto
Monday, July 20
Friday, July 17
Tuesday, July 14
Saturday, July 11
Christopher Hitchens
Voted Top Five Public Intellectuals of the World
1 Noam Chomsky linguistics expert and critic of US foreign policy
2 Umberto Eco writer and academic
3 Richard Dawkins Oxford professor of public understanding of science
4 Vaclav Havel playwright and leader of Czech velvet revolution
5 Christopher Hitchens journalist, author, pro-Iraq war polemicist
Wednesday, July 8
Monday, July 6
Saturday, July 4
Tuesday, June 30
Saturday, June 27
A fallacy is an argument which provides poor reasoning in support of its conclusion. Fallacies differ from other bad arguments in that many people find them psychologically persuasive. That is, people will mistakenly take a fallacious argument to provide good reasons to believe its conclusion. An argument can be fallacious whether or not its conclusion is true.
Tuesday, June 23
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
but make allowance for their doubting too,
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master,
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much,
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
-Rudyard Kipling
Monday, June 22
Her name is Neda, which means "voice" in Farsi, and her death has become the central rallying cry of the Iranian rebellion.
The fresh-faced teenage girl killed by what appears to be a single sniper shot on the streets of Tehran Saturday is now a potent symbol for Iran's pro-democracy protesters.
Saturday, June 20
Thursday, June 18
세상이 등을 져 버린 꿈 너무나 더렵혀진 꿈
찢겨진 우산처럼 젖은 땅에 버려진 꿈 그저 버러지 꿈
지워진 낙서 뿐인 걸 You say "Dream 잊혀진 단어 뿐인 걸"
하지만 난 오늘도 헛된 꿈을 꾼다
비록 어둠 속이지만 다시 눈을 뜬다
I will never give up I will never give up I have a dream
내 꿈은 하늘을 걷는 난장이의 꿈
달콤한 자장가에 잠이 든 고아의 꿈
시간을 뒤로 되돌린 불효자의 꿈
내 꿈은 세상의 모든 어머니의 꿈
내 꿈은 크게 노래 부르는 벙어리의 꿈
내 꿈은 사랑하는 사람의 작은 속삭임에
미소를 짓는 귀머거리의 꿈
가질 수 없는 꿈이지만 I have a dream
비틀 거리는 꿈이지만 I have a dream
버림 받은 꿈이지만 I have a dream
Live and die for this dream
- 이선웅
Monday, June 8
그것만이 내 세상
세상을 너무나 모른다고
나보고 그대는 얘기하지
조금은 걱정된 눈빛으로
조금은 미안한 웃음으로
그래 아마 난 세상을 모르나봐
혼자 이렇게 먼길을 떠났나봐
하지만 후횐 없지 울며 웃던 모든 꿈
그것만이 내 세상
하지만 후횐 없어 찾아헤맨 모든 꿈
그것만이 내 세상
그것만이 내 세상
무덤들 사이를 거닐며
무덤들 사이를 거닐면서
하나씩 묘비명을 읽어 본다.
한두 구절이지만
주의깊게 읽으면 많은 얘기가 숨어 있다.
그들이 염려한 것이나
투쟁한 것이나 성취한 모든 것들이
결국에는 태어난 날과
죽은 날짜로 줄어들었다.
살아 있을 적에는
지위와 재물이 그들을 갈라 놓았어도
죽고 나니
이곳에 나란히 누워 있다.
죽은 자들이 나의 참된 스승이다.
그들은 영원한 침묵으로 나를 가르친다.
죽음을 통해 더욱 생생해진 그들의 존재가
내 마음을 씻어 준다.
홀연히 나는
내 목숨이 어느 순간에 끝날 것을 본다.
내가 죽음과 그렇게 가까운 것을 보는 순간
즉시로 나는 내 생 안에서 자유로워진다.
남하고 다투거나 그들을 비평할 필요가 무엇인가.
Saturday, June 6
Friday, June 5
The Badger is the thirteenth astrological sign.
My sign. The one the other signs evicted: unanimously.
So what? Think I want to read about my future
in the newspaper next to the comics?
My third grade teacher told me I had no future.
I run through the snow and turn around
just to make sure I've got a past.
My life's a chandelier dropped from an airplane.
I graduated first in my class from alibi school.
There ought to be a healthy family cage at the zoo,
or an open field, where I can lose my mother
as many times as I need.
When I get bored, I call the cops, tell them
there's a pervert peeking in my window!
then I slip on a flimsy nightgown, go outside,
press my face against the glass and wait...
This makes me proud to be an American
where drunk drivers ought to wear necklaces
made from the spines of children they've run over.
I remember my face being invented
through a windshield.
All the wounds stitched with horsehair
So the scars galloped across my head.
I remember the hymns cherubs sang
in my bloodstream. The way even my shadow ached
when the chubby infants stopped.
I remember wishing I could be boiled like water
and made pure again. Desire
so real it could be outlined in chalk.
My eyes were the color of palm trees
in a hurricane. I'd wake up
and my id would start the day without me.
Somewhere a junkie fixes the hole in his arms
and a racing car zips around my halo.
A good God is hard to find.
Each morning I look in the mirror
and say promises me something
don't do the things I've done.
- Jeffrey McDaniel