Monday, January 11
The Invention of Lying
I'm so scared, Mark. I don't want to die. You know, people don't talk about it much, but death is a horrible thing. One minute you're alive, there's a whole world around you, humming and jumping, people coming in and out, doors opening and closing, love and anger and the whole mess of it all, and then like that, it's all gone.
This is it Mark, only a few hours left of this until an eternity of nothingness.
I'm scared.
Listen closely to me, mom. I have a surprise for you.
You're wrong about what happens when you die. It's not an eternity of nothingness.
When you die you're going to go to your favorite place in the whole world. And you're going to be with all of the people you've ever loved and who have ever loved you. And you're going to be young again, and you'll be able to run through the fields and dance and jump, and there will be no sadness, no pain, just love and happiness. There will be ponies made of gold, and everyone will live in giant mansions, and everything will smell like cookies. And it will last for an eternity, mom. An eternity.